April 13, 2009

We Have Windows!

We have a meeting at the house tomorrow morning, but since it's supposed to rain all day, I took a few quick exterior shots as I was driving by this evening. The balcony doors have been installed, so I think all that's left -- window-wise -- are the semi-circular window over the balcony doors and the arched window in the master bathroom. Are you sensing a theme here? We like the arches on the front porch and inside the house, so we're trying to reflect that motif in the new parts of the house.

The house looks a lot better with windows! I guess the stucco folks can't do much while it's raining, but once they've worked their magic, it will look more like a real house and less like something out of a Dr. Seuss book...

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing...it looks as if it's ALWAYS been a 2-story house!
