November 12, 2009

House Numbers

Rob came by this morning to take some photos of our exterior stucco for a new project SAI is working on where the homeowners also want to do stucco. While he was here, he also installed our new house numbers for us. We already have those lovely handmade tiles that Amalio bought for us in Mexico -- and that Josh made a beautiful frame for and hung by the front door -- but they are not easy to see from the street. Most police and fire departments recommend that you have house numbers that are easily visible from the street in case they need to locate your home in an emergency. So, I ordered these cool numbers from Restoration Hardware. It was a cold, rainy day, but Rob and I braved the elements to figure out where to put the numbers. Note that instead of a ladder, Rob is standing on his trusty hand-made toolbox. (Also note that if I were standing on that toolbox, I'd barely be able to reach the top of the arch.)
Rob tried holding them up so I could see how they'd look, but, sadly, he only has two hands.
Here's the final result. I'm pretty sure the numbers are perfectly centered, but because the front door is not centered on the arch, it creates the illusion that they are a little off. If we change our minds, we can always move them, but I think they'll be fine as is.
It was fun to have a chance to catch up with Rob. We ended up becoming pretty good friends over the past 9 months, and he said he really felt that the great relationship he -- and John -- had with Josh and me was reflected in our house. Warm fuzzies all around!

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