March 21, 2009


Our friend Diana braved the wobbly, 3-story ladder and took a few photos during our 'open house' a couple weeks ago. Since I haven't had a chance to take any pictures from upstairs yet, I had her send me a few to post here. (Thanks, Diana!)

Here's Josh in one of the new 2nd-floor bedrooms looking out towards the back corner of our lot:
This is the view of the back yard from upstairs. I'm hoping it will look a little nicer when it's all done...
One of the reasons I haven't been upstairs yet: no stairs. This is where they will eventually go, but for now there's only a long, wobbly ladder that goes all the way from the basement to the 2nd floor.


  1. Looking at it now, I can't believe I actually climbed that ladder. It was great to see the second floor, but yikes!

  2. I see the old garage door has found a new home protecting a bush in the backyard!
