October 21, 2009

Landscape Artist

So when I opened the door to get the paper this morning, Steve W hucked it at me from across the front yard. It was not yet 8 am, and he and Rob had already made significant progress sprucing up our front yard. Since they wanted the house to look nice for the open house this weekend, they agreed to throw in a little landscaping for us. Rob used to have his own landscaping business, so he went to the garden center yesterday and bought us a juniper, a hydrangea, some heather, a flat of "chocolate chip" ajuga, and a bunch of mulch to give the front yard a quick makeover.
Rob and Steve also pruned back our crape myrtle, weeded and mulched under the other tree, and edged the lawn.
Here's Rob 'randomly' planting the ajuga amongst the heather and nandina (which Josh planted a couple weeks ago).
They had to work quickly, because the photographer was coming back later in the morning to take some exterior shots of the front of the house (since it was raining the day he photographed the inside of the house). I had to leave for work before they were done, but I'll try to get some photos of the finished product tomorrow morning.

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