October 26, 2009

Parade of Homes, Day 2

So Saturday evening Josh and I were hanging out in the family room, and Josh sat down on one of the toolboxes that SAI had brought over for the "Vote for Your Favorite Toolbox" contest. He commented that with the big rounded hole in the top, it kind of reminded him of a composting toilet. That inspired us to take this photo the next morning:
[Please note: 1) Josh is still wearing his boxers, they are just carefully obscured by the newspaper; and 2) I wasn't planning to post this photo on my blog, but Josh told me to!]

I emailed the photo to Rob, saying, I hate to break this to you, but... Josh just took a dump in your toolbox.

Rob showed up laughing at our door about 20 minutes later and said, "You guys are twisted!" Of course, he thought it was hilarious and forwarded it on to the rest of SAI.

The weather was much nicer on Sunday -- sunny, clear, mid-60's. Once again we had a steady stream of people come through the house.
The same crew from MGC was on hand, along with Marta and Amalio. Rob took over for Dane and John to represent SAI. He is very proud of the work he did on our house -- as well he should be -- so I'm sure he enjoyed being able to introduce himself to people as the guy who built the house. His wife came by in the morning with their new baby (age 5 weeks) so Josh and I could meet him (adorable!), and his mom stopped by in the afternoon to tour the house. Here are Rob and Amalio ready to greet the next wave of visitors.
Barb from MGC greeted people at the door and handed out literature. She also collected donations for HomeAid. Edward resumed his post in the kitchen, tallying votes in the toolbox competition and taking down people's contact info.
Here are the toolboxes. They were built by the guys at SAI from construction scraps. I don't know who won the competition yet, but I set up my own poll so you can cast a vote for your favorite one. Here are numbers 1 and 2. (Josh did not actually go number 2 in #2...) Since I've already divulged that Rob built #2, I guess I should disclose the others as well. Dane built #1.
Here are numbers 3 and 4. Steve W made #3, and John made #4.
Our friend Matt arrived in the afternoon. He and his wife, Ann -- who I've been friends with since 4th grade -- are planning to move to DC next year and have already signed a contract with SAI to build them a green home in our neighborhood (yay!). He was in town to meet with SAI and their architects and was staying with us. He and Susan had a nice chat about what he and Ann are planning to do.
My friend Rob H. showed up towards the end of the day with his fancy camera to film a video tour of the house. Rob L. (from SAI) agreed to be the host, so we outfitted him with a wireless microphone and Rob H directed and filmed him. It will probably be a while before Rob H has time to edit it, but once I have the final product, I'll add it to the blog.
Meanwhile, Susan's husband, Cerphe, came to pick her up and took a quick tour of the house. He had seen it once before, but that was before we even had drywall up. He seemed impressed with the final results, and Susan later told me that he described it as "perfect" as they were driving home -- which she said was high praise indeed. Once again, it was very gratifying to get so many nice complements on the house after we put so much work into it.
After all the SAI and MGC folks left, we had a nice dinner of takeout Indian food with Matt, Rob H, and the rest of our 'gang' (Diana, Jason & Elizabeth, and their kids).

The next morning, Josh and Matt both had to leave early for meetings, and I worked from home as the cleaning lady came back to tidy up after a weekend of people parading through the house. It actually held up pretty well since they made everyone take their shoes off, but there was still a bit of detritus tracked through the house.

Josh called me after his meeting, which was with Steve W's wife and the general counsel for her company -- he was hoping to sign them up as clients as they discovered when they first met that they work in similar areas. After the meeting, Steve's wife took Josh aside and told him that her husband had sent her a funny photo of him at work. Yep, that's right -- he sent her the photo of Josh sitting on Rob's toolbox! Josh was mortified, but fortunately they both had a good laugh about it. I'm not sure what possessed Steve to forward that on to his wife knowing full well that she had a work-related meeting with Josh, but he does have a rather strange sense of humor. I guess since so many people have already seen the photo, Josh figured I might as well share it -- and this story -- on the blog. I hope it doesn't come back to haunt him -- again.

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