July 28, 2009


Rob came over at 7 am today to take care of a few final touches on the house. He knows we aren't early risers, so we arranged that he'd let himself in with a key. Now, I've gotten to know Rob pretty well over the past six months and I trust him completely, but there's still something a little disconcerting about knowing that someone is working in your house while you're in bed. So, while I'm usually happy to stay in bed until 7:30 or 8, I woke up without an alarm at 6:30 and hopped in the shower. By the time I got dressed and went downstairs, Rob was cheerfully painting our closet doors. He'd brought Max -- a former/new SAI employee -- with him, and put him to work outside reinstalling the gate on the side of the house.

Around 8 am, the landscaper showed up, as did a huge moving van for our neighbors across the street. Another neighbor on our block moved out yesterday, so there have been a lot of big trucks and moving vans on our street over the past few days.
The landscaping company is called Meridian Landscaping, and they will be weeding, regrading, and reseeding our back yard, installing a brick patio, and diverting the water from our downspouts into the planting beds.
I took this from the master bedroom window -- hence the screen -- but it gives you an idea of where the brick patio will go.
Rob and Max finished up around 11 and said their goodbyes.
We haven't seen the last of Rob. He'll be back next week to give us the manual for our house and touch up the floors. I think we still have some final inspections coming up as well.

I had to go up to Silver Spring in the afternoon for a series of meetings at Discovery, but it didn't look like the landscapers had done much more than dig a pit and some trenches while I was gone. I'm sure there will be more landscaping activity tomorrow, and possibly the next day.

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