July 13, 2009

Setting a Date

We have a moving date! I called the movers this morning and scheduled them to move us out of our apartment and back into the house next Thursday, July 23. Rob anticipates that they'll be mostly done by the end of this week, and they have a green cleaning company coming on Saturday to give the house a thorough cleaning inside and out, so he said we could start moving stuff in as early as Sunday, although they may still need to finish a few things early next week. Since we do not have a single square foot of extra space in our apartment, we may start taking boxes over to the house as we pack them, because otherwise I have no idea where we'd put them until the movers come.

At the house today, the new railings have been installed on the front porch. Our old railings were no longer up to code, so they had to replace them with taller ones after they removed them. Rob asked the railing guy to make an exact duplicate of the original railings, and I guess he took him a little too literally, because the first set he brought back were the same height as the old ones. D'oh!
And speaking of D'oh! moments, we had one over the weekend when we stopped by the house and saw that Rob had installed the new cabinet door that Cindy delivered on Friday.
It is CLEARLY a different color from the rest of the cabinets (white vs. "Chantille"), so we were baffled as to why they even installed it. When I asked Rob about it today he explained that it was the last thing he did on Friday afternoon, and he didn't notice the color difference until he left the room and came back in. He said he was completely deflated when he saw it, and immediately called Cindy to alert her of the error. I guess we'll have to live with the non-matching door for a few weeks until the new one arrives.

We now have various bathroom hardware installed, including the shower curtain rod, towel bar, and grab bar in the main level bath.
John also built a little cabinet to hide the steam unit for the shower in the master bath and put in a shelf above it. It's a little funky with the electrical cords for the tankless hot water heaters running through it, but it's behind the door in the laundry room, so I doubt many people will even see this.
Rob had installed the backs of the medicine cabinets in the master bath. I still need to put a finish coat on the doors -- I'll try to get to that tomorrow. The sconces haven't been installed because a part from one of them accidentally got thrown away with the box, and Rob has been trying to get a replacement.
I was a little surprised to see Rob wearing Crocs, but he said he usually wears them when they are working on the punch list so his boots don't scuff up the floors. On the other hand, I was not at all surprised to see him talking on his cell phone -- or sitting on the toilet...Rob's cousin Brian was helping out today. He installed all the ceiling A/C registers upstairs and caulked the tub in the master bath. He asked if I was taking photos for my scrapbook. How quaint. :-) Brian is taking over for Justin, who quit last week. Apparently he found another job, so he just didn't show up on Monday and didn't bother to notify SAI until mid-day, even though he was supposed to be filling in for Rob that day. Not cool.
Here's a better view of the back of the house. You can see the vent covers that Rob installed on Friday waaay up above the window on the left side of the house.
They have a landscaper coming later this week to put our back yard back together, so we may have them rebuild our brick patio at the same time. Our back porch isn't very big, so we need some space to hang out in the back yard. We just need to figure out the size and shape.
John stayed late to go over some options with me. He used to be a stone mason (among other things), so he had a lot of creative ideas. Of course he drew some pictures for me.
I'm excited to move back into the house, but there are a lot of logistical things we'll have to deal with over the next couple weeks -- utilities, cable, mail, packing, etc. -- that won't be so fun. Moving twice in 6 months is no picnic, but I'm hoping it will be a loooong time before I have to do it again.

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