June 21, 2009

Brick Patio

Since they are staining the hardwood floors this weekend, we were instructed not to go into the house, but Rob did ask us to think about where we want to rebuild our brick patio so they can leave a space for it when they regrade our back yard, which currently looks like this:

Here's what the patio/yard used to look like:
And here's what the patio looks like now:
Actually, that's what it looked like a couple months ago. Now the weeds have grown up around the bricks so you can barely see them.

We stopped by the house this afternoon and tried to estimate how many square feet of bricks we had, but since they were so obscured by weeds, it was difficult to count them. Instead, we just laid out a perimeter with bricks where we thought the patio should go. (Sorry I don't have a photo, but we went straight from yoga so I didn't have my camera with me.) We plan to rebuild our garage and possibly put a deck on the back of the house at some point (when we can afford it), so we tried to design the patio around where those would eventually be located. For now, we just need a space for our picnic table and gas grill so we can hang out in the back yard when the weather is nice.

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