April 10, 2009

Floor Show

After Josh and I went through the house yesterday, we came up with a list of questions and issues that needed to be addressed, so I went over to the house this morning to go over the list with Rob. It was supposed to rain today, but instead it was sunny and warm.
The tulips were blooming!
I was surprised to see the hardwood floors as I walked in. They had been covered up for the past couple months, but now they are ready to start working on them.
Steve W. was at the house today, so I went through my list with him and Rob and was able to get most of the items resolved -- or at least clarified. Then Walter (the floor guy, in blue shirt) came by and got into a heated discussion with Steve (in blue hat) John, and Rob. There seemed to be a lot of chest-beating and posturing going on, so I quietly excused myself and went off to take some photos.
Here's the view from the back. It's starting to look much more like a house now that it has windows.
Installing the windows in the master bedroom.
This is the manifold for the radiant floor heat down in the basement.
Upstairs, the arch in the master bath is coming along nicely. Unfortunately, the window that goes here won't arrive until mid-May, so it will be a while before we'll get to see the full effect of the arched window.
When I went back downstairs, the guys were happily lunching on Italian Store pizza, and all the earlier tension seemed to have melted away. After Walter left, Rob and Steve explained that that's how they normally interact with him. OK...My souvenirs for the day: a small milk glass jar with some kind of cream or ointment inside, and one of John's sketches of the built-in shelving and window seat for the master bedroom. I forgot to ask where they found the jar -- it'll have to wait til Monday.

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