April 18, 2009


I stopped by the house on Friday afternoon to update Rob on some stair-related decisions and see how the stucco crew was doing. It was a beautiful day, and there appeared to be quite a bit of activity on the outside of the house.

Inside, Paul and Jim were still stapling up the duct insulation between the floor joists. They had finished the office and were almost done with the family room.
Once they got to the dining room, though, they hit a snag. They couldn't enclose the green pipes under the insulation with the radiant floor heat. Not only would that unintentionally heat up our cold water in the wintertime, but it could cause condensation. So Paul had to get creative and cut slits in the insulation to work around the plumbing. The dining room, kitchen, and living room are all going to be tricky because of all the pipes running through the ceiling.
I'm sure when they're done with this project, Paul and Jim would be happy to never see another roll of duct insulation. There is a lot of it in the house!See, I'm not kidding! Each of these rolls is about 5 feet tall.Meanwhile, John was hard at work installing the oak treads on the stairs.
He was not happy when I told him we decided on oak risers as well, since he had already installed paintable fiberboard risers on the stairs coming up from the basement. I felt awful that he had already put in so much work. I thought he might be tempted to shoot me with the nail gun on purpose this time, but he showed remarkable restraint. Rob told me not to worry about it -- they can install an oak veneer on the risers and it will look just fine. Whew!From one of the upstairs bedrooms, I got a closer look at what the stucco guys were doing. They had covered the entire north side of the house with roofing felt (I think) and were attaching a metal mesh layer on top of that.
Here's what the mesh looks like.
Rob told me our tub for the master bath had arrived. I found it upstairs in an enormous box. After eyeballing the size of the box versus the size of the enclosure they had built for it, I was concerned that it might not fit -- or that it would be nearly impossible to maneuver it into place. So I went back downstairs to find Rob.
I found him in his usual spot -- on the front steps talking on his cell phone. He seems to spend a large chunk of his day checking in with various subs and vendors to coordinate schedules, get estimates, and just keep everything running smoothly. I got bored waiting for him to get off the phone, so I started taking photos...When I finally had an opportunity to voice my concerns about the tub, he assured me that it would fit. But then he started second-guessing himself, so he recruited Paul to help him lift it into place.
It was a little tricky getting it into position, but not nearly as difficult as I thought it would be.
And it fit perfectly! Rob almost climbed in to pose for a photo, but thought better of it since he had muddy work boots on. He covered it up with a piece of cardboard to keep it clean. The tub doesn't look quite as huge in its alcove as it did in the box. I'm more of a shower person, but I think I'll be tempted to take baths more often when this is all done.
Coming up this week: insulation! Stay tuned...

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