April 27, 2009

Hot in the City

It was unseasonably hot here this weekend -- low 90's! -- but our stucco crew kept at it and made some good progress on the house. We came by early Sunday evening to meet up with Josh's parents for a tour, and I snapped a few photos while we were waiting for them to arrive. It won't be long before the blue sheathing is totally covered and it starts looking more like a normal house.
They hadn't quite finished the back porch, but they can't put the last couple boards in until the stucco guys are done, anyway.
It was sweltering inside the house, and since all the windows were taped up, we couldn't open them to get any air circulating inside. It was nice and cool in the basement, but pretty warm on the main level, and positively sauna-like upstairs. I don't envy the guys who have to work up there -- it feels even hotter upstairs than it does outside in the sun!

When Josh's parents arrived, we gave them a quick tour, pointed out some of the 'green' elements, and showed them a few tile samples. They seemed impressed -- I think they may want to move in with us when it's all done.
After the tour, we all went out for Indian food and then came back to our apartment to discover that our central air conditioning doesn't work. Our apartment have any ceiling fans, and all our fans are in storage, so we just had to open the windows back up and sweat it out until it cooled down enough for us to fall asleep. I called the management office this morning, and they had someone working on it while I was out this afternoon, but it still does not seem to be working. It is currently 88 degrees inside my apartment. Bleah.

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